Madero therapy, also known as wood therapy, is a unique and highly effective massage technique that utilizes specially designed wooden instruments to improve body contouring and overall well-being. This non-invasive treatment helps reduce cellulite, tone the body, and promote lymphatic drainage. The wooden tools allow for deeper pressure, stimulating blood circulation and breaking down fat deposits, which can result in smoother, firmer skin. Ideal for those looking to enhance their body’s natural shape and achieve a more sculpted appearance, Madero therapy is a natural and holistic approach to beauty and wellness.
The procedure can be a little painful in some areas, especially where there’s fat or lymph tissue. However, the first few massages can be the most painful. Remember, it is going to take much more pressure to break cellulite for the parts of your body where you have the most of it which tend to hurt, but afterward, the feeling is quite relaxing.
We recommend one or two sessions a week, at least 48 hours apart, for 1 to 2 months. Immediately after the first session, it’s already possible to notice a slight result, but ideally, the treatment should be received between 5 and 10 sessions